Local Nature Partnership
The NPT Local Nature Partnership (NPT LNP) is made up of representatives from a wide range of organisations plus individuals with an interest in local wildlife and land management. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in biodiversity and wildlife conservation in NPT.
We achieve our aims by creating partnerships between people that protect and care for nature in NPT, gathering information on the conservation of species and habitats in NPT, supporting the development of projects that are contributing to the aims of the Partnership, developing new projects to address local priorities and providing an advisory function on the subject of the state of nature and nature recovery in NPT. Wherever possible, we take an evidence-based approach to facilitate this through our presence on strategic steering groups and by providing advice to community councils.
NPT LNP is responsible for the assessment of the State of Nature in NPT, which will be reviewed every five years. Actions related to the Nature Recovery Action Plan will be reviewed each year in the spring meeting of the NPT LNP.

Our Aims
To protect existing habitats, restore former habitats and where appropriate create new habitats.
To halt the loss of biodiversity in NPT and increase habitat and ecosystem resilience.
To educate people about the importance of wildlife habitats and conserve the flora and fauna they contain.
To influence and encourage activities that are more sensitive to the needs of local biodiversity.
To advise on appropriate actions that will conserve, protect and enhance biodiversity in NPT.
Our Partners