NPT LNP Constitution
Adopted 17/12/20
1. Name
The name shall be the Neath Port Talbot Local Nature Partnership hereinafter called the “Partnership”.
2. Aims and Objectives
The primary objective of the Partnership is to further the conservation, awareness and enhancement of nature in Neath Port Talbot. A primary mechanism of this is to implement the Local Nature Recovery Action Plan. In particular:
Promoting partnership working between key organisations and individuals that protect and enhance nature in Neath Port Talbot. This will include networking and sharing best practice to promote efficient delivery of actions across partner organisations.
To gather information relevant to the conservation of species and habitats in the Neath Port Talbot area, to formulate plans (“the Local Nature Recovery Action Plan”) from the national and local priorities identified in the Nature Recovery Plan, State of Natural Resources Report and Area Statements to effect conservation, and to deliver actions identified in the LNRAP.
Involving key partners and stakeholders in the development and implementation of Local Nature Recovery Plans for the Partnership through the establishment of working groups and consultation with other existing groups.
To make recommendations for the review of local practices for forestry, agriculture, mineral extraction, industry, business, tourism, parks and other local Council land, etc. in order to look for opportunities to enhance the potential for wildlife.
Supporting the development of projects undertaken by individual organisations that are contributing to the aims of the Partnership and developing new projects to address local priorities.
Monitoring the delivery of nature recovery actions, evaluating progress towards implementation of local plans and revising them as necessary.
Identifying opportunities for integrating the conservation, promotion and enhancement of nature into other policy areas, plans and projects throughout Neath Port Talbot
To link in with regional and national plans, policy and action, as appropriate e.g. Well-Being Plans and Area Statements).
To provide an advisory function on the subject of nature recovery i.e. through presence on strategic steering groups and advice to community councils etc.
3. Membership
Membership is open to all committed volunteers, local nature experts, voluntary and public bodies, agencies and owners of locally significant natural habitats. Anyone with an interest in biodiversity is welcome to join. There is no annual subscription for membership.
Membership of the partnership is limited to three representatives of a particular organisation (this does not preclude members of an organisation attending in another organisation’s representative capacity, or separate department of that organisation).
All Members of the Partnership shall have the following benefits:
to be notified of and granted access to all Meetings of the Partnership and to participate in debates at Meetings
to attend seminars, conferences or other events or functions organised by the Partnership
to receive a copy of the Constitution of the Partnership and copies of documents produced and circulated by the Partnership
The Partnership has the ability to create various Sub Groups or Interest Groups which run parallel to the Biodiversity Partnership. These groups may be formed at any time. Each Sub Group will serve to look at certain areas of work in greater detail and inform the Partnership as necessary.
Routine matters such as sign off of new or revised plans, funding matters and direction of the work of any person employed will be delegated to a Steering Group Sub Group drawn from the key organisational members to include such representatives as those organisations providing financial support, the statutory body, one non-governmental organisation, one community group and the chair and secretariat of the LNP.
Biodiversity Action is a Sub Group of the Partnership. Biodiversity Action is a registered charity and as such, is eligible to apply for funding for biodiversity related projects. All Members of the Partnership are eligible to nominate themselves as Board Members of Biodiversity Action.
4. Officers of the Partnership
The Chairperson and Vice-Chair shall be appointed by the Members.
The Chairperson must be independent and impartial during Partnership meetings and whilst in the role of Chairperson. For agenda items in which the Chairperson has a conflict of interest, they must declare it and the Vice-Chair should take the role of Chairperson for that particular item.
The appointment of Chairperson and Vice-Chair will be decided by Partnership Members every three years. This appointment will be made during the first meeting of the year.
Neath Port Talbot Council provide the Secretariat for the Partnership. This service was offered at the time of the formation of the Partnership and has not changed since. The LNP Coordinator provides this role.
5. Voting
Members shall be entitled to one vote each.
Where a resolution is proposed at a meeting, the decision shall be made by a show of hands of all members present at the meeting and entitled to vote.
Where it is proposed that a vote be taken to elect a new Chairperson for the Partnership, or that the Constitution be amended, each Member shall be entitled to vote by submitting a vote either to the LNP Coordinator in writing and in a sealed envelope at any time prior to the commencement of the meeting, or by ballot at that meeting.
In the case of equality of votes, either on a show of hands or on a poll, whoever is the Chairperson shall be entitled to a casting vote, which shall be his/her second vote.
6. LNP Meetings
The Partnership shall hold meetings, which all Members shall be entitled to attend, approximately six per annum.
The agenda for each meeting shall be circulated by email, to each member. Agenda items duly received by the LNP Coordinator within one week of a meeting, shall be considered for discussion.
7. Minutes
The LNP Coordinator shall keep and circulate, via email, minutes of all:
proceedings at meetings; including;
the names of those present at the meeting
the resolutions proposed at the meeting
the decisions made at the meeting; and
the reasons for those decisions (where appropriate).
2. The LNP Coordinator shall also circulate, via e-mail, any relevant information such as consultation documents and events, for example, which may be of interest.
8. Termination of Membership
Membership should be terminated in writing, or verbally, to the LNP Coordinator. An alternative contact should be provided if appropriate or possible to do so.
9.Dissolution of the Partnership
The Partnership shall be dissolved if a two thirds majority of members agree at a special meeting convened for that purpose with at least two weeks notice to all members. In considering a resolution to dissolve the Partnership, account shall be taken of new legislation, guidance from the Welsh Government and from organisations represented on the Partnership.
If it is agreed to dissolve the Partnership, the meeting shall determine the disposition of any assets of the Partnership, and the Board Members of Biodiversity Action invited to meet to consider its future. If it is proposed to establish a new group with similar objectives, members of the Partnership shall be invited to join the new organisation."