The State of Nature
in NPT
We need to understand how nature is coping in NPT, so that we can protect our wild places. Assessing the state of nature in NPT is the first step towards a healthy environment. It will help us plan actions to provide future generations with an inspiring place to live.
The State of Nature 2019 (A Summary for Wales) report revealed some sobering statistics which included evidence for a decline of 41% in the abundance of species in the last 50 years, with 17% of Wales' species currently at risk of extinction. In order to understand local trends and pressures, and to guide action to aid recovery, Neath Port Talbot Local Nature Partnership (NPT LNP) has undertaken an assessment of the State of Nature in the county, linked with a Nature Recovery Action Plan.
Using the evidence available to us, we have made an assessment of the state of nature of the habitats of NPT. We have grouped these habitats into 11 broad habitat categories. Sadly, of these 11 habitat categories, only two are in good state. It will require urgent action to improve the state of nature in NPT. Discover more about each habitat by clicking the links below.
Habitats in NPT have been classified into 11 broad categories and each of these has been divided further into sub-categories or specific habitats. Some of these habitats support large numbers of priority species yet their biodiversity is threatened by pressures such as development and neglect. The collective resilience of these habitats is a good indicator of the state of nature in NPT. Of the 11 broad habitat categories, nine are assessed to be in less than good state and five are assessed as poor. Woodland and Open Mosaic Habitats in the county have been assessed as good, with the caveats that there are problems with invasive non-native species in both and many biodiverse Open Mosaic Habitats are threatened with development. Resilience of each habitat is colour-coded below; Red (Poor ecosystem resilience), Amber (Fair ecosystem resilience) or Green (Good ecosystem resilience)
Habitat Map
This habitat map of NPT shows the distribution of different habitat types across the county. It is a Phase 1 map, constructed from 2021 aerial imagery.
Priority Species
We have put together a list of 237 priority species from a comprehensive dataset of field records provided by members of the NPT LNP over the last 20 years.
In our database, we link each species in the list only with the habitat(s) in which it occurs in NPT. For example, as far as we can tell from our records, the Marsh Fritillary butterfly only breeds in marshy grasslands in NPT and can only be cross-referenced to this habitat in our database, even though it may breed in other habitats (e.g. sand dunes) elsewhere. This allows us to make an evidence-based assessment of priority species diversity for each habitat in NPT.
Invertebrates (e.g. butterflies and moths) make up the largest proportion of our priority species. A full list of NPT’s priority species is given in Appendix 2 (Appendices).
Numbers of priority species found in the various broad habitat types. The importance of woodlands, coastal habitats, grasslands, and open mosaic habitats for priority species in NPT is clear.
Reviewing the State of Nature of NPT
The State of Nature in NPT will be reviewed again in 2028.
The actions and the priority species list will be reviewed each year in the first meeting of the New Year of the NPT Local Nature Partnership.
If you would like to help deliver a particular action in the plan, recommend a new action, suggest a review or take part in the review process, please get in touch.